The Natural Landscape Supply has a wide array of all of your screened loam, sand, gravel, stone, fabric, and geogrid needs! Contact us today for your delivered price!

*All products are sold by the ton. Full load = 33 tons, with the exception of Screened Loam, full load = 25 yards.*

screened loamScreened Loam:

Screened loam is perfect for flower beds, topdressing planted areas and lawns.

  • 1/2″ screened loam $19.00 per yard delivered.
  • Loam/compost mix starting at $29.00 per yard delivered.



Aggregate Price List

ProductTons per LoadDelivered Prices Starting at:
Screened Loam25 yards$19.00
Utility Sand33$23.25
Stone Dust33$25.00
3/4" Gravel33$25.00
1 1/2" Gravel33$22.50
Crushed Stone33$25.50
Recycled Asphalt33$18.00
Crushed Concrete33$16.50

Call 508-466-8246 for specific pricing to your location. We serve MA, RI, ME, NH, VT, CT, and NY.

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